Monday, 13 May 2013


Cancer is the disease of the cells present in the body. There are different types of cancer. Some forms of cancers can easily be diagnosed but some are so complex that they are hardly discovered and this makes their treatment a problem.

Causes of Cancer

 Sometimes cells become abnormal which occurs due to the one or more genes in the cell becomes damaged. Cancer can be caused by the abnormal cells. We all have the risk of having cancer due to the risk factors which are tobacco smoke and workplace chemicals. Smoking is the major factor of developing cancer of lungs, mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder and pancreas. If we are working with chemicals such as asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, etc without protection then the risk of cancer can be increased. As we grow older the risk of cancer increases because the cells present in the older bodies are weak and can do less defence. Radiation, infection and immune system can develop the risk of cancer in the body.

Diagnosis of Cancer

Cancer can be suspected from different symptoms such as lump under the skin, or an enlarged liver. The doctors then referred for different tests such as X-rays, scans, blood tests, endoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc, depending on the place where the cancer is suspected. Through biopsy cancer can also be diagnosed. It is the process of removing the effective tissue from the body. Then it is examined under the microscope to detect the abnormal cell. Sometimes it is easy to get the tissue from the upper skin of the body and it is often difficult to get the tissue from the deeper skin and it may require specialized procedure and equipments.

How can cancer be cured?
Treatment for different cancer varies from another. There are three most common steps of cancer treatment which are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In surgery the effective part is being removed. In chemotherapy the cancer can be cure through pills which are able to stop multiplying the cancer cells. In radiotherapy the cancer is diagnosed through radioactive radiations. This may kills the cancer cell or stop them from being multiplied. Now there are more methods to treat the cancer. It includes bone marrow transplant, hormone therapy, immune therapy, gene therapy and special techniques.


Nowadays cancer can easily be diagnosed and treated. Development in technology and science made the process of diagnosing cancer easy. We should plan a better eating menu so that we can gain all the vitamins, calcium, iron and all other minerals having antioxidants which may protect against the chemicals to enter in the body. We should eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid the fatty foods to avoid the risk of cancer. We should have emotional feelings with the patients and should not feel that they are separate from us. We should encourage them so that they can face all the hurdles and difficulties coming in their future life. Cancer may also return so one should try to go through regular checkups.

Breast Cancer Treatment

The specialist decides treatment of the cancer on the basis of the type of breast cancer a person is diagnosed with. The type of the treatment also depends upon your health profile and age. Generally the treatments given to the patients are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy etc. These treatments are sometime given in combination step by step or may be given alone

Decision of appropriate treatments

The breast cancer treatment on the basis of cancer location is divided in to two stages; first one is early stage treatment in which treatment is given to the confined are of breast as only that part is affected due to tumor. Advanced stage treatment is given and decided if the breast cancer enters in to the other parts of the body. Hence the treatments are suggested on the basis of various factors like size and location of cancer tumor, the stage of cancer, type of breast cancer and the condition of patient.

Treatment through surgery

Surgery is the most suggested treatment for the breast cancer by various specialists. Even the type of surgery depends upon the type of cancer. Some patients require more than one surgery for complete removal of the tumor. In some cases after surgery chemotherapy and other treatments are given to the patient but in other cases doctors decide to give chemotherapy or hormone therapy on the first stage.

Treatment of Secondary Cancer

If the breast cancer unfortunately spreads in other parts of the body then it is known as secondary cancer or advanced or metastatic cancer. For this cancer type treatment is different this is severe type of breast cancer and complete removal in this case is not possible.

Treating breast cancer with radiotherapy

X rays are used to treat the affected areas. In this treatment a radioactive substance is first placed inside the patient’s body and then X-rays are bombarded on the affected areas. Mostly this very treatment is suggested to the patients who have diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.

Chemotherapy for the treatment of secondary breast cancer

As the name tells the treatment of cancer through chemicals (drugs) is chemotherapy. It is the type of treatment which reduces the chance of re-growth of cancer. Therefore before surgery doctors suggest this treatment to the women who have enlarged tumors or having secondary breast cancer. Side effects include feeling of vomiting, infection or hair loss.

Hormone therapy

In this specific type of therapy hormone regulation is controlled within the patient’s body as the cancer cells are very much sensitive to the hormonal change. It is given to the patient after surgery by doing this complete removal of cancer can be achieved.


There are various treatments available for breast cancer. It is a curable disease but should be treated on earlier stages. No doubt the treatment is a painful phase for the patient but this pain gives you a new healthy life. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer than without wasting your time go and consult the specialist as soon as possible, so that your treatment would be started according to your condition and other important factors. Another important thing is that you should also discuss your problem with the patient who had been treated successfully for the same disease.