Monday, 2 March 2015

Learn How To Crochet This Pink Ribbon Scarf!

You are among the people who have decided to show their support for the efforts in fighting breast cancer. One of the methods you have decided to adopt is the use of the pink ribbon scarf. You therefore want to either crotchet one for yourself to be putting on as an awareness strategy or to crotchet many either for sale or to distribute to others for a more solid awareness strategy. This document will help you know how to crotchet the breast cancer awareness pink ribbon.

But even before you start crocheting; it’s worth knowing some few things about the pink ribbon scarf. This scarf’s is designed to offer more than just the warmth you get from it. Working out on this crocheted scarf will show an act of prayer, support as well as love to all those wearing it.  This prayer ribbon was designed to act as a mimic of the breast cancer awareness ribbon that’s symbolic. It measures approximately 64” long and 14” wide. Wearing this scarf shows support and it’s therefore worth either putting it on or giving it to someone who is in need of that little extra TLC.
You need;
  • Crotchets hook that measure 8mm or 5mm for obtaining gauge.
  • yarn needleCarom simply soft that’s 170g /6. Oz: 288 m/315 yards. The main color is soft pink (9719)- three skeins
Learning to crotchet this scarf is not so difficult. The most important thing is that you familiarize yourself with some small sets of common stitches. To start the scarf project will be easy if you have already learned to do some of these stitches.  Learn how to make single crotchet, chains and double crotchets and you are in the right track. Try these stitches as you pay keen attention on consistency in the size of these three till you feel comfortable to go. Never give up simply because it was not coming right at the beginning since crocheting is something that requires time for practice.

No sooner will you have felt comfortable to go about the three types of stitches than you will be ready to start the pink ribbon scarf project or any other project. Other than just the scarf, you will be able to make hats, blankets, pullovers among others and sell them through breast cancer shops.

Learning to crotchet the breast awareness scarf will enable you to not only show love to others but you can also earn an income thereafter. As you will be crocheting the scarves to donate to others, you will gain experience on how to crotchet other types of attire for sale. You will make children’s pullovers, blankets and other clothes for sale to earn an income. It’s therefore a very worthy venture for you.

Take Active Participation in Breast Cancer Awareness and fight it

Breast cancer awareness month is in October and it relates to a worldwide celebration month.Breast cancer is one of the key reasons causing death after the lung and colon cancer, and it is certainly alarming.During this month general information is given about breast cancer aiming to create awareness about this dreaded disease.

There are lots of ways now to create awareness about breast cancer and this includes joining and making contributions. This is the reason that breast cancer awareness month is being celebrated. This is not for the bereaved alone, but it is a celebration of life. It is for all the people diagnosed and fighting the battle, the survivors, and also their loved ones. Getting involved in this by making contributions means we can surely save lives and make a difference.

Spreading word
You can participate even by spreading the word and commemorating it as an event. You can share stories of faith, struggle and hope from survivors. Your participation by spreading words is a big way of contributing. This can include cancer prevention tips, breast cancer alternative treatments and also free breast examination referred to as mammogram. Spreading the word can also be done by writing and submitting articles, information via blogging, sharing and posting on social network sites in association with other mediums such as television, publications, pamphlets and radio.

Joining events
 There are many events that can benefit the beneficiaries. You will find popular events such as walking, running and races and these events can be fundraising to the benefit of cancer victims. You can also organize some forums, fashion shows and concerts to raise funds and contribute the same for cancer patients and survivors. This will be of immense help a financial assistance.

Purchasing Products
There are small time entrepreneurs to huge corporations helping various events and they donate to charitable organization, breast cancer treatment and also to the cancer research centers. Their products include simple pins, cakes, watches, t-shirts to automobiles. You may help by purchasing the products and extending your support through displaying, wearing and patronizing such products.

Other Services
Seeking donation or donating any amount to the foundation or even collecting donation from your family members, officemates, friends, neighbors and organizational mates is helpful to create more breast cancer awareness. You may also visit the diagnosed patients, give them hope, make them happy, show your love and make them feel wanted. The patients must be allowed to recognize that there are people who care for them and there is treatment available. The awareness of breast cancer is celebrated every October, it is not a mere celebration, but it is a way of teaching people about fighting the disease.